In this post We wanted to inform you and share with you all the measures taken for the Covid-19 emergency in our Bed and breakfast, in order to prevent the transmission of the virus and protect the health of Guests and staff. Always in the management of our Bed and breakfast, the cleaning and sanitization of the rooms have been one of the fundamental aspects. In this regard, the procedures for cleaning and sanitizing the rooms and common areas have been carried out scrupulously and carefully, with quality sanitizing products in compliance with the operating guidelines and the basic protection measures against COVID-19 .

In addition, we carefully planned all the precautions to be implemented in order to guarantee safety and tranquility. We have equipped ourselves with products and machinery for sanitizing rooms and environments after each departure and will implement special cleaning and sanitation protocols, from morning to night. For the check-in and check-out procedures and the information service will be organized so as to welcome each family or person at a time in the reception area, as well as breakfast will be served, upon request, directly in the rooms.

In addition, the use of masks and gloves, the maintenance of a safety distance and frequent hand washing are now part of daily practice. Finally, the entire structure will be equipped with two sanitizing columns for the hands, with a dispenser of disinfectant solutions. We trust in everyone’s collaboration to respect the rules of conduct necessary to avoid the spread of the virus.

Best Regards.